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Get the full solo transcription here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnT5fQbxBhbZtB9VDanvaww?sub_confirmation=1
Georgia on my mind – played by Bernd from Saxbrig in Cologne. „Georgia on My Mind“ is a song by Hoagy Carmichael and Stuart Gorrell, closely associated with the cover version by Ray Charles, a native of Georgia, who recorded it for his 1960 album The Genius Hits the Road. It became the official state song of the State of Georgia in 1979.
Feel free to leave a comment beneath. thank you.
einfach großartig !!! technisch brilliant und vor allen Dingen sehr gefühlvoll gespielt…das kann man kaum besser machen..ich bin begeistert !!!
Willi Müller
very inspiering
Perfekt!!! So zu spielen ist mein Ziel! Naja, hab ja erst begonnen…. deine Tips sind auf jeden Fall Klasse. Liebe Grüße!
+Gila T. Vielen Dank Gila, ich wünsch dir viel Erfolg beim Saxophon lernen. Das klappt bestimmt.
Hi Bernd. Wunderschön gespielt – ganz, ganz große Klasse. Von mir 10 x Daumen hoch!!!
Hallo Kai, danke dir. Manchmal bekommen ich die Kommentare nicht rechtzeitig mit. Also hier eine Antwort mit 2 Wochen Verspätung. Viele Grüße
thanks you so much
would love to learn how to play Georgia on the Alto, fantastic Job Sir. vinny
I am going to find the sheet music wow.
Hallo Vincent, its a Hoagy Carmicheal Play-Along by Hal Leonard. Bye Bernd
Toll! Will ich auch können! 😉
Nice! … Which Mouthpiece is he using?
Hi Andres, it is a Meyer USA 7. But I am always changing equipment. It s a bad habit. Recently i am playing an Aaron Drake "Bird" model on alto. bye Bernd
I want to buy a mouthpiece… People say that Jumbo Java A45 is my better option now.
Im playing with the mouthpiece that came with my alto sax JUPITER AS 700Q. Do you think that every mouthpiece is better that the „original“ „fabric“ mouthpiece of my alto sax jupiter?
Hope you understand, sorry for my english…
In my oppinion, sax players search their whole life to get that ideal setup reed-mouthpeace. I’m playing on a selmer super session jazz mouthpiece witch vandoren V6 reeds. I think that is a pretty „standard“ setup for beginner jazz players. I played on metal mouthpieces to, but I couldn’t get used on the sharp sound, so I stick with my regular mouthpiece. Just go to a shop and ask if you can trie some mouthpieces. I’m sure you will find something you are comforteble with.
Brecht Vanderbeken thanks a lot!
Andres Felipe Lillo Rojas Sorry for my late response…the fabric mouthpieces are good for beginner players. They make it easy to produce a tone in the first place, but I would recomment a better one for sound and flexibility. You can find a few standard alto mouthpieces that are really good: Vandoren V16, Meyer USA, Otto Link Tone Edge, Selmer Soloist. bye Bernd
This is amazing playing and sound. Many thanks for sharing. People ask what mouth piece do you use, I think they are trying to get your sound, But i don’t think it works like that. because if thats the case, I would have his saxophone and mouth piece too. We have our own sound and we should be happy with it. Keep up with your great work
Hi Neil, thank you so much. I´m glad that you like my video. You´re right. A good mouthpiece is important but it is so essential to make your own sound. I often change my mouthpieces just for fun. It feels a little bit different then but the sound is often quite similar. bye Bernd
Welche Kanne spielst Du….Nach einem Mark 6 sieht es eher nicht aus…
das ist ein LC – Lien Cheng Made in Taiwan. vg Bernd
Very nice alto sound …. just perfect 🙂
wooow 🙂
superb playing and great interpretation, this is how it should be played, great to listen to
wow. I am glad you like it. thank you. bye
I was really amazed and inspired and had to make my own version of this 🙂 Is it too rude if i ask you to check it out? 🙂 https://youtu.be/dEUw8iC0eNM
Great job! What mic are you using?
Hi, its a zoom h2n. bye Bernd
Hi Bernd, Thanks for this video. I am really missing Georgia through your sax. Great expression using growls, trills, etc…and I love your improv. I’ve only been learning for 2 years. Sometimes I wonder if I can really play the sax as good as you. I viewed some of your videos but I cant understand them as I don’t speak Dutch? or German? I wish there were subtitles or at least an English text that we can download (please let us know if such exist and where). Thanks again Bernd and please keep uploading covers.
Hi, thank you so much for your comment. There are no subtitles in English. I am working on that. I hope that someday I am able to shoot videos in English. I really like to do that. bye Bernd
Too many tonal effects ruin your otherwise pleasant tone but the original feel of the tune has nostalgic lyrics , not a blues lament !
oh.. da muss man doch glatt mal die headphones aufsetzen für – klingt ja ganz wunderbar!
Ich danke dir. vg Bernd
Is there possibly sheet music for this?
Hi, its from the Hal Leonard Play-Along Edition Hoagy Carmichael. I have no sheet. vg Bernd
Dang it. Ok well thanks very much for replying.
Jayden Lopez ,the Hal Lenard will only give you the melody ,the rest is up to you with,your interpretation.of the given chords .
Pretty good I think the trill could’ve been timed better. This is more of a clean version to me could’ve been more soulful but overall its was great!
Always a critic …..
You’re the real deal brother
very good Ksaxman.
thats nice…..
the best!!
thank you!!
Super, welches Mundstück haben Sie mit diesem Stück gespielt?
Hi, ich glaube das war ein Otto Link Tone Edge 7 vg Bernd
@@saxbrig Danke
Nice one! What is the setup? Cheers!
Hi Paulo, I think it was a Meyer 7 and my Lien Cheng Taiwan Sax. Thanks. bye Bernd
Excellent sound, phrasing and feeling!! You smashed it as one of the greats!!
Excellent beautifully played 👌
Wie immer top.
Beautiful .
Would love this recording on Spotify!
I’m now back to this video..
Time sure flies..
Fabulous interpretation of “Georgia on my Mind”. Thank you.
Jazzfeeling vom Feinsten. Das es heute noch Musiker gibt die das können … du bist einer von Wenigen … Hut ab. Super Musik zum zuhören.
Meu amigo… que baita som, to com 64 anos e nessa não consigo, mas numa das minhas próximas reencarnaçoes, vou chegar – ao menos – perto desse som,, dessa interpretação. Muito bom ouvir. Abs.
Schön gespielt
Für meinen Geschmack zu kraftvoll aber gut 😉
Very good man
hola amigos hermosa inperpretacion,,felicitaciones…tengo una inquietud de poder saber que boquilla esta usando el ejecutante,,suena hermoso
Einfach nur Hammer
Einfach genial…..
Hello 🙂
Great sound great phrasing and great interpretation wow :))
Which backing track is used for this tune please.. ? Thanks a lot for the answer Rémi
Mann Du bist echt gut! Soooo viele Gefühle. So möchte ich Mahl spielen können. Mach mal CDs. Oder gibt’s die schon?